Louisiana Interchurch Conference
To live the faith we hold in common.
The Louisiana Interchurch Conference is a statewide ecumenical organization formed in 1970 to further the aims of Christian unity, service, and witness to faith and social justice in Louisiana and the region.
The LIC includes 15 member denominations and 26 affiliate Judicatory leaders, representing almost 2 million individual congregants statewide.
Recognizing that Jesus calls all people to be one, the Louisiana Interchurch Conference, representing diverse communions, strives to proclaim in word and deed to the people, churches and institutions of Louisiana that faith which we hold in common, in the hope that by our common witness we will grow toward greater unity in Christ Jesus.
Holy One,
Your cross is a symbol for the whole church. For the ways we have divided ourselves and set up walls where you seek bridges, forgive us. When the body of Christ is broken, you are the one who bleeds. Lead us to understanding, to acceptance of difference, and to love of our siblings who serve you differently. Bless your church in this place and around the world, that we may represent your love to the world. Bless our siblings in other faith traditions as well, that in our embrace, the world may see a path toward peace. Draw us to the unity of your cross. Amen.
— Connections: Worship Companion - Year C, Volume 1, pg 143