For a simple listing of events, scroll down (below the calendar view).
To submit an event for the calendar, email

55th Annual Assembly of the Louisiana Interchurch Conference
Event information and registration here:

LIC Criminal Justice Commission - Planning Meeting
This meeting will be held on Zoom. Please email to receive the Zoom link.

Houma - Ecumenical Prayer Service
Sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux and its partners in Christian Unity. A reception will follow the prayer service.
E. Jefferson Parish Interfaith Clergy Association Meeting
Leigh Rachal, Director of the Louisiana Interchurch Conference (LIC), will attend this meeting and share a bit about LIC.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
For resources to host a local Week of Prayer for Christian Unity event, please visist this website:

New Orleans - Prayer for Christian Unity
Join Archbishop Aymond and other Christian leaders to pray for Christian Unity.

2022 Fall Louisiana Interchurch Conference Board Meeting
UPDATE: This event will be ONLINE ONLY!!!!
The LIC Board of Directors is composed of 5 executive officers, 9 regional coordinators, 12 at-large board members, and the administrative head of each member judicatory. The administrator for each member judicatory is asked to attend or send a designate with authority to speak and vote on behalf of the judicatory.
105th Annual Session of LA Home and Foreign Missions Baptist Convention
Louisiana Home and Foreign Missions Baptist Convention
Rev. S.C. Dixon, General President / Rev. Pernell Trent, General Secretary
Rev. Dr. Reginald Nicholas, Sr. Host Pastor
Public Launch of Together New Orlean’s Community Lighthouse Project
To register and for more information: Together New Orleans (

World Refugee Day Event
Louisiana Organization for Refugees and Immigrants will host a World Refugee Day event with cultural performances, testimonies, face painting, children’s activities, global dishes, and music.

LA VOAD Annual Membership Meeting
Louisiana VOAD will hold a membership meeting on Thursday, June 23rd to be held via Zoom, from 10am to noon. Please earmark the time to join in! The final agenda and zoom link will be issued closer to the time of the meeting.
Anticipated agenda items include:
Update from the National Weather Service
Visit from the National VOAD President and CEO
Updates from GOHSEP
Updates related In-kind Materials Management concepts from HandsOn
Louisiana VOAD Membership Updates
FEMA Louisiana Equity Summit - Session: Faith-Based and Community Leaders & Building Relationships
Click HERE for PDF with more information
Event is in person and on Zoom. See pdf for Zoom link.
LIC Stewardship of the Environment Commission monthly meeting
Email for the Zoom log in information.